od používateľa log » 29 Jan 2019, 08:14
Viktorrealita napísal: ↑29 Jan 2019, 07:11
Ja nie som Kalvinov ani Lutherov, ale Kristov. To, čo učili nebolo z nich samotných, ale zjavené v Písme.
Vyzerá to, že už ani neviete, čo je to reformácia a prečo vlastne bola. Nazývate ju herézou, no čo už.
Mas pravdu, ze vela ludi uz nevie, co je reformacia a preco vlastne bola, ani ja. Ale mozme si nieco o tom precitat, napriklad na
http://antiquecannabisbook.com/chap2B/C ... Mather.htm
kde su okopirovane Lutherova a Kalvinove myslienky o hubeni diablom posadnutych zien, muzov a deti. Hon hlavne na zeny, oznacovane ako carodejnice, posadnute diablom, ich mucenie a upalovanie. Lutherova a hlavne Kalvinova teologia im prikladala riadne polena na hranicu. Skutocne verni nasledovnici Krista.
Kalvin rovadza Exodus 22:18 takto:
Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. In these passages the punishment of those is appointed who should in any respect violate the worship of God. We have latelyseen how severely God avenged apostasy from the faith; but now He touches upon certain particular points when religionis not professedly forsaken, but some corruption is introduced, whereby its purity is affected. The first passage denouncescapital punishment upon witches; by which name Moses means enchantresses, or sorceresses, who devote themselves to magic arts,either to injure persons by their fascinations, or to seek revelations from the devil; such as she was whom Saul consulted,although she might be called by a different name 6565 It is said of the woman, (1 Samuel 18:7,) that “she had a familiar spirit,” (אוב See vol. 1, p. 428; the word hereused is מכשפהfrom כשף, praestigiis uti. — Taylor’s Concordance. Since such illusions carry with them a wicked renunciation of God, no wonder that He would have them punished with death.But since this pestilent crime would be no more tolerable in a man than a woman, it has been probably supposed that the lawwas directed against women, because their sex is more disposed to superstition. Certainly the same enactment is made respectingmales in Deuteronomy 18:1, 6666 See ante, vol. 1, p. 426, on Deuteronomy 18:10. only the punishment is not there denounced, but God merely prohibits any of the people from being an enchanter or a witch.Now it is clear that all the kinds which are there recited, are here included under one; so that God would condemn to capital punishment all augurs, and magicians, and consulters with familiar spirits, and necromancers and followers of magic arts,as well as enchanters. And this will appear more plainly from the second and third passages, inwhich God declares that He “will set. His face against all, that shall turn after such as have familiar spirits, and afterwizards,” so as to cut them off from His people; and then commands that they should be destroyed by stoning. Wherefore, sinceit is not just that men should escape with impunity, when the infirmity of women is not spared, nor that dissimilar sentencesshould be pronounced in similar cases, the same punishment which was decreed against witches and enchantresses, is nowextended to either sex, and to all magical superstitions. In the words also “that turneth to go a whoring,” the atrocityof the crime is again expressed, the similitude being taken from immodest women, who seek with wandering glances for the indulgenceof their lust.
A Luther udajne mal povedat o bosorkach kaziacich vajcia, mlieko a maslo:
AUGUST 25th, 1538, the conversation fell upon witches who spoil milk, eggs, and butter in farm-yards. Dr. Luther said:—“I should have no compassion on these witches; I would burn all of them. We read in the old law that the priests threw the first stone at such malefactors. ’Tis said this stolen butter turns rancid and falls to the ground when any one goes to eat it. He who attempts to counteract and chastise these witches is himself corporeally plagued and tormented by their master the Devil. Sundry schoolmasters and ministers have often experienced this. Our ordinary sins offend and anger God. What then must be his wrath against witchcraft, which we may justly designate high treason against divine majesty,—a revolt against the infinite power of God? The jurisconsults who have so learnedly and pertinently treated of rebellion affirm that the subject who rebels against his sovereign is worthy of death. Does not witchcraft, then, merit death, being a revolt of the creature against the Creator,—a denial to God of the authority it accords to the demon?”
Otazka je, preco tito dvaja reformatori sa odvolavali na Mojzisov zvyk kamenovat "bosorky" ? Bolo toto sucastou tej reformacie ?
[quote=Viktorrealita post_id=10568 time=1548742306 user_id=199]
Ja nie som Kalvinov ani Lutherov, ale Kristov. To, čo učili nebolo z nich samotných, ale zjavené v Písme.
Vyzerá to, že už ani neviete, čo je to reformácia a prečo vlastne bola. Nazývate ju herézou, no čo už.
Mas pravdu, ze vela ludi uz nevie, co je reformacia a preco vlastne bola, ani ja. Ale mozme si nieco o tom precitat, napriklad na
kde su okopirovane Lutherova a Kalvinove myslienky o hubeni diablom posadnutych zien, muzov a deti. Hon hlavne na zeny, oznacovane ako carodejnice, posadnute diablom, ich mucenie a upalovanie. Lutherova a hlavne Kalvinova teologia im prikladala riadne polena na hranicu. Skutocne verni nasledovnici Krista.
Kalvin rovadza Exodus 22:18 takto:
[i]Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. In these passages the punishment of those is appointed who should in any respect violate the worship of God. We have latelyseen how severely God avenged apostasy from the faith; but now He touches upon certain particular points when religionis not professedly forsaken, but some corruption is introduced, whereby its purity is affected. The first passage denouncescapital punishment upon witches; by which name Moses means enchantresses, or sorceresses, who devote themselves to magic arts,either to injure persons by their fascinations, or to seek revelations from the devil; such as she was whom Saul consulted,although she might be called by a different name 6565 It is said of the woman, (1 Samuel 18:7,) that “she had a familiar spirit,” (אוב See vol. 1, p. 428; the word hereused is מכשפהfrom כשף, praestigiis uti. — Taylor’s Concordance. Since such illusions carry with them a wicked renunciation of God, no wonder that He would have them punished with death.But since this pestilent crime would be no more tolerable in a man than a woman, it has been probably supposed that the lawwas directed against women, because their sex is more disposed to superstition. Certainly the same enactment is made respectingmales in Deuteronomy 18:1, 6666 See ante, vol. 1, p. 426, on Deuteronomy 18:10. only the punishment is not there denounced, but God merely prohibits any of the people from being an enchanter or a witch.[b]Now it is clear that all the kinds which are there recited, are here included under one; so that God would condemn to capital punishment all augurs, and magicians, and consulters with familiar spirits, and necromancers and followers of magic arts,as well as enchanters. And this will appear more plainly from the second and third passages, inwhich God declares that He “will set. His face against all, that shall turn after such as have familiar spirits, and afterwizards,” so as to cut them off from His people; and then commands that they should be destroyed by stoning.[/b] Wherefore, sinceit is not just that men should escape with impunity, when the infirmity of women is not spared, nor that dissimilar sentencesshould be pronounced in similar cases, the same punishment which was decreed against witches and enchantresses, is nowextended to either sex, and to all magical superstitions. In the words also “that turneth to go a whoring,” the atrocityof the crime is again expressed, the similitude being taken from immodest women, who seek with wandering glances for the indulgenceof their lust.[/i]
A Luther udajne mal povedat o bosorkach kaziacich vajcia, mlieko a maslo:
[i]AUGUST 25th, 1538, the conversation fell upon witches who spoil milk, eggs, and butter in farm-yards. Dr. Luther said:—“I should have no compassion on these witches; I would burn all of them. We read in the old law that the priests threw the first stone at such malefactors. ’Tis said this stolen butter turns rancid and falls to the ground when any one goes to eat it. He who attempts to counteract and chastise these witches is himself corporeally plagued and tormented by their master the Devil. Sundry schoolmasters and ministers have often experienced this. Our ordinary sins offend and anger God. What then must be his wrath against witchcraft, which we may justly designate high treason against divine majesty,—a revolt against the infinite power of God? [b]The jurisconsults who have so learnedly and pertinently treated of rebellion affirm that the subject who rebels against his sovereign is worthy of death. Does not witchcraft, then, merit death, being a revolt of the creature against the Creator,—a denial to God of the authority it accords to the demon?”[/b][/i]
Otazka je, preco tito dvaja reformatori sa odvolavali na Mojzisov zvyk kamenovat "bosorky" ? Bolo toto sucastou tej reformacie ?