Obidvaja Hostovia robite myslienkovu chybnu skratku ked myslite ze farizej je to iste co Zid. Farizejovia boli iba jednym zo smerov a este i vo vnutri sa isto stiepili. Existovali mnohe teologicke skoly. Zid stal proti Zidovi.Hosť napísal: ↑04 Apr 2020, 17:08 Židé křesťany pronásledovali, neměli důvod tvořit teologii, která byla proti nim. ... ble-363348
Neither the Pharisees nor the Sadducees were priests. They did not take part in the actual running of the temple, the offering of sacrifices, or the administration of other religious duties. Instead, both the Pharisees and Sadducees were "experts in the law" -- meaning, they were experts on the Jewish Scriptures (also known as the Old Testament today).