Študujeme vieroučné body CASD - Sobota

Diskusia o vieroučných bodoch CASD.
Príspevky: 1712
Dátum registrácie: 06 Nov 2017, 06:51
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Re: Študujeme vieroučné body CASD - Sobota

Neprečítaný príspevok od používateľa log »

There can then be no reasonable doubt but that some sort of
a Sabbath was observed by them previous to 2ooo B. C., at
about which time Terah and his family emigrated from
among them. For it seems probable from the results of the
latest investigation that the home of Nahor was in Accadia.
Ur Kasdim of Gen. 11: 21 has been identified with Ura of
the Cuneiform inscriptions, a place in South Babylonia.
This Ura, we learn from the inscriptions, was the seat of the
worship of the moon god." The other city mentioned in the
Bible as a tarrying place of this family is Haran in Mes-
sopotamia. This city also, we learn from the same source,
was the seat of the worship of the moon god, Sin.

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